About Us
In Heritage We Trust
We are self proclaimed “Hut Nuts”.
We have taken out children and partners “hut hunting” for nearly 35 years, walking, cycling and just driving around.
We have also spent a lifetime in the outdoors, appreciating the wilderness, by choice.
We walk, ride, ski, drive, photograph, listen, watch, smell and feel.
At one time our ‘mission’ was to visit every standing hut in Kosciuszko NP, achieved in 2003. Now we are slowly working on out hut visits in Victoria and Tasmania.
We believe we can learn from the past. Here we appreciate the experience and toil of our ancestors, indigenous or imported. We spend time working on huts, to provide a touchstone for the future. Normally, we work at mundane jobs in Canberra, but these support us in all our work in the Mountains.
“Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. “
John Muir
This is a big part of our lives - if you have thoughts, corrections or additions, please email us at the address below.