Wallaces Hut
Photo above courtesy of Gary Duncan © 2004. Multiple images below by G Gale.
Known as Wallaces Hut or Seldom Seen Hut.
Located at Wallace Gap on the Alpine Walking Track. On the Bogong map at GR273164.
Brief History
This is the oldest complete structure in the Alpine National Park, being built in 1889 by the Wallace bothers, Arthur, William and Stewart from snow gum slabs and woollybutt shingles.
The SEC added the shed and corrugated iron about 1946.
The nearest hut of similar age is Horsehair, but it has been re-built.
David and Henrietta Wallace held the lease from 1869 and their sons later. The National Trust classified the hut in 1967, and the Rover Scouts of Victoria have continued to maintain it for some decades.
Measures 4.5m by 3.7m. Consists of a pole frame with snow gum slabs and slabs for the floor. Pole framed chimney and some insulation.
Many changes have occured including new windows since 1931, so it probably saw just as many changes prior to that.
Caretakers - Parks Victoria and the National Trust.
Hueneke Pp153 - 157, 245
G. Butler 1996 Pp329-333.
Magnussen Pp149 - 151.