Edwardsens Hut

This photo taken by Charles Lloyd in 1982, and the introduction one, in 2010.

Known as Cox Bight Hut or Edwardsens Hut

Location, about 300m inland from Point Eric, at Cox Bight, South West National Park. It appears on older editions of the Old River Map at 388 845.

History - Freddy Edwardsens Hut at Cox Bight was built in about the early 1930s by a Norwegian tin miner. It was in good condition into the 1980s but in more recent times parts of the hut have been cannibalised to repair other bits.

History of the hut is kept by Angie McGowan of the Cultural Heritage Branch of the Tasmanian Heritage Office.


Timber over poles with corrugated iron covering walls and roof.


Troedel Shelter


Collins Bonnet Shelter