Venables Hut (Plonkeys Hut)

Photo courtesy of Matt White 2005 of the “new” hut after some well needed repairs had been done.

Known as Venables Hut, Plonkeys Hut, Plonks, Lindleys, Stokes hut and others!

Strictly speaking, Stokes is another ruin that is a few metres down the hill (as per the photo on the left), and Lindleys is in the far south of the Goobarragandra. Plonks and Plonkeys are commonly used, but are detrimental to the original inhabitant, so Venables is probably the most appropriate name.


Beside a tributary of the Goobarragandra River, on a spur with a great view. The Grid reference is 333764 on the Blowering 1:25,000 map.

Brief History

The hut was built by Jack Venables for his own use and to support grazing in the early 1950's.

Jack eventually moved here permanently after being jilted by a woman. The hut received the name Plonkeys, after he was known to enjoy too many liquid lunches. This piece of history is, however, disputed by others.

The hut included at least four other buildings around it, one of which stands today, as a shed. Three others are clearly visible, collapsed on the ground.

Another picture by us, is recent, being taken in January 2002. It shows the building as a sturdy structure, requiring some much needed TLC. However the panel board may be asbestos cement, making the restoration that much more difficult and costly. A Tumut based team are assessing the options currently, but no Conservation Study exists and have started some work.

The hut is on an ideal walking path across the northern KNP from Tumut to Peppercorn.

Irwins and Old Stokes ruins are nearby, and Kells is about 7 km up the same valley.


Stokes is a home built on strong piers, with hardwood timber framing. The lining and some walls is fibro and the roof is iron. The fireplace flue is a massive piece of engineering, being built from welded steel!

NOTE: the wall board of this huts has been tested positive to be made from asbestos, so a special NPWS task-force will remove it to be replaced by KHA in 2005.

Caretakers - NPWS


  1. Hueneke Pp 181-182.

  2. KHA reference number 0303,

  3. KNP POM L.102. There is currently no Conservation Study for this hut.

  4. The original Stokes Hut is now a ruin nearby and is Reference number 0301.

GPS: S 35.446980 E 148.487736


Townsends Hut


Wheelers Hut