Kennedy's Hut

Photo of Klaus Hueneke’s Book Cover

Known as Kennedys Hut

Located on the west bank of the Mitta-Mitta river, about 1 km downstream from the AWT bridge at Taylors crossing and showing on the Benambra Leinstar map at GR 585252, not at 590260 as previously reported.

GPS Location:


The hut was built by Pat Bourke Kennedy in 1967, with assistance of Grace Bourke-Keneddy, Camilla Faithfull and Ker Faithfull, after he took up the lease on 1 December 1965 and applied to build a hut on 25 July 1966.

It was used to support cattle grazing and for recreation. Repairs were last done by the Cooksey family in 2001.


Built of logs with a sapling roof frame and iron roof. The gables are sawn timber. The windows are second hand six pane softwood versions with a centre swivel. Three rooms with carpet and vinyl!

Caretakers - Cooksey Family.


  1. Butler Pp164 - 169

  2. Magnussen - No reference

  3. Hueneke Pp198, 207, 239.


Lazy H Hut