Yackandanda Underground Hut
Known as: Yackandanda Hut or Kohns Hut or the Underground Hut.
Located at: Kohns Track, Stanley State Forest
GPS Location: S 36°20'12.29" E 146°48'55.39"
It is said to have been built in the 70's to 80's over about 7 months by an old prospector who lived here for 7 to 8 years and worked the creek. Also known as Kohn's Hut as it was the home of a local miner / ex serviceman Alex (Bill) Kohn, until he died in October 1986, up the track not far from there is a plough disc on a tree as his memorial. (as yet we have received no proof that the hut dates back this far tho, only info that this miner lived in an old caravan not far from here)
The person that really built and designed this dwelling was a master solid plasterer.
He and his son took twelve months in the early 90s to construct this, They cleared the area out and used the materials to plaster and build everything in it, they mixed the materials in a wheelbarrow, water from the creek and sand and gravel all laid on for them, right where they were. It was all worked out for easy living and convenience. Everything was done at night when they were safe from being detected. (there are photos he had taken as he had progressed with the hut being built.) He made everything inside and made his own tools to shape all the shelving. He went on to build a similar structure in St Arnaud (above ground this time) all out of the same sorts of materials. He actually had his concrete tepee featured in owner builder magazine many years back. he was a solid plasterer by trade. That's how he formed all the shelves and everything in the hut. He built an above ground hut style house near Bendigo after that hut that used similar benches and shelves etc. It was quite interesting how he did it
The cement and other materials were bought in Wodonga. They only bought food in Yackandanda and other essentials. He was known as the bush tuckerman by the kids and others in Yack
A few years later on a return visit by the son, it was noted a window had been added and a lady of some size was living there and there was a notice saying it was built in the early pioneer times.. (THIS IS UNTRUE)
The fables of the UNDERGROUND HUT you may have heard include: it was lived in by a bank robber hiding from the law, it is an underground fire shelter for a local fire tower spotter, built by a anzac veteran prospector, built by a prisoner work scheme when Beechworth Prison was still open, built as a bunker by a crazy man who thought the end of the world was near, built by a bloke and used to grow dope, a local teacher and his son built it, it was a hide-out for a criminal who was captured by the police when he went to the post office to get his mail....and then there is the one about the old hermit hiding from the world and evicted by the army but which one do you want to believe?
It has had some repairs and a new roof around 2005 by DSE. The original roof was very dilapidated and beginning to cave in. It was constructed of logs for rafters, branches for battens, and chicken wire, couldn't see the rest because of the amount of debris that had come down on it. The original roof was strong enough to walk on and it blended with the environment making the hut invisible even if you walked on to it by mistake.
36°20'12.29"S 146°48'55.39"E paste this into Google earth or maps
It has been built into the side of a hill depression with stone and mortar just above a running creek and surprisingly it is in really good condition.
There are many stories or fables that surround this Underground Hut. A lot of work went into building this underground hut in this large pile of rocks and pebbles from old miners and prospectors. It has a bath and sinks, plus a fireplace and camp oven with chimney flue and shelving built into the walls and believe it or not, it has alot of visitors come and find it. There are several nice campsites not far from the hut for those interested in visiting the area.
Caretakers It is looked after by the VHCHA, Dartmouth region area 11