Strobridge Huts

Photo courtesy of Fiona Magnussen © 2003.

Known as Strobridges.

Located at the corner of Baldhead Road and Charlotte Spur Track, Brookville. On the map "Brookville Ensay 1:50,000 at GR 530688 Elevation 760m. 


These huts are just outside the park on Sheep station Creek, and the first (rear) hut was built by Mr Strobridge about 1895, when the area was a thriving mining town. This hut is shown above, with the original bark roof under the iron.

John Strobridge built the front hut in the early 1920’s for his family but died in 1941, leaving his wife Ella and daughter Lucy living here. Lucy attended school in Melbourne then returned. Ella died in 1972 and Lucy stayed on, but was very evasive and few people ever saw her and used wild animal noises to scare visitors away.

Her groceries were delivered by others, and every so often she went to Doctors Point for a haircut. In 2000 she was noticed limping and she was then taken to Omeo hospital where she passsed away.

Lucy is said to live there as a ghost and to have protected the huts when the 2003 fires passed, leaving them still standing.


Old house is made from bush poles and iron. It now needs urgent attention after a wombat dug around one of the poles. A conservation study was completed for this hut in 2004 and renovation will commence soon.

Caretakers - VHCHA


  1. Hueneke Pp 244.

  2. Magnussen Pp 75 - 78

  3. Butler - none


Seldom Seen Hut


Swifts Creek CRB