Bluff Spur Memorial Hut
Known as Bluff Spur Hut or Bluff Spur Memorial Hut
Located on Bluff Spur, Mt Stirling. Grid 548 907
As Mt Stirling developed as a cross country ski destination, increased pressure fell on existing facilities. After two young skiers, Robert Harris and Xavier Clemann died on the mountain in 1985, the opportunity was taken to build a hut in their memory.
It is set below the tree line on the other side of the summit to Geelong Grammar Hut and was finished in 1987.
Vertical pine palings, with duckboards on two sides and a veranda on one. The steep iron roof allows a mezzanine sleeping platform to be incorporated above the entrance and store room. The main floor area features a central pot belly stove, seating benches against the walls and a tiled floor.
Caretakers Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria
David Sisson - pers comm.
Hueneke. Huts of Victoria pp. 96 - 97, 232.
Mt Stirling environment effects statement: Sinclair Knight Merz. Appendices Vol. 1. 1996, pp 35 - 36, 73