Pickerings Hut
Front Photo courtesy of Bill Statton, 1998.
Known as Pickerings Hut.
Located at Brocks Road, Howqua. On the Buller Stirling map at GR426841.
This hut was built in 1953 by Fred Fry as a fishermans hut, using his traditional slab wall techniques (similar to Gardners, Frys and Richies) It was built under a permissive occupancy within the Howqua Hills Historic Area.
Joseph Pickering Ford car dealer of Mansfield, applied for a fishing hut site in late 1952.
The hut measures 30 by 27 feet and is built of slab timber with an iron roof, two rooms and a veranda. It is equipped with portagas heating and cooking facilities. The floor is wood, with a brick fireplace. It is unusual in that is is surrounded by a large number of mature exotic deciduous trees.
Caretakers - Mansfield based families.
Hueneke Pp 68, 242
Butler Pp243 - 246