Old Gads Hill Road Hut - MHPS Project.

Known as Roadside Hut, Old Gads Hill Road Hut, Warren’s Hut.

Located at Old Gads Hill Road, which runs between Liena and King Solomons Cave. The hut is on the roadside and is one of many that used to stand here. The hut currently stands in the an area that used to owned by Gunns but is nowleased by Forest Reliance Fibre.


This hut was originally built by Richard “Mort” Warren in 1940. He built it for his farm hands who were working on the dairy or worked in the orchard, adjacent.

However the lot was owned by many others including Ray “Boy” Miles in the 1950’s, and also by the Trickett and Tyshing families (1980’s) before Gunns took over. The hut was originally well built, as can be evidenced by the high quality brickwork chimney and split weatherboards. It covered a living area and two bedrooms, but the latter have collapsed now.

From 2020, MHPS agreed with Forest Reliance to restore the building and that work is well advanced in 2022.


It is built of sawn timber and split palings, the roof was originally of shingles, but is now iron.

GPS: S41.33.413 E 146.12.316


Lone Star Cabin


Patriarch Lodge Flinders Is.