Marthavale Hut
Photo courtesy of G Duncan © 2003.
Known as Marthavale Hut
Located on the Nicholson River at the junction of the Marthavale Track, Quarry Ck Road and Nicholson Ck Track at GR 464553 on the Brookville Ensay map. this is about 25 Km east of Dargo and 60 Km north of Bairnsdale, about 30km southwest of Swifts Creek.
The hut was built in 1953 as a base for timber workers in the area. Originally designed as a three room hut, it had deteriorated considerably over the years.
The Idlers 4WD Club restored the building in mid 2002, by rebuilding the chimney, replacing many weatherboards and some internal construction timber. It is maintained by them, with the aid of DNRE Bairnsdale, who have provided materials for the work.
Three room hut with a gable iron roof over the centre section and skillions over the other two. Horizontal weatherboards on all walls. Fireplace and wooden floors.
Caretakers - Idlers 4WD Club.
Ron Dickson website