Lankey Plain Hut
Photo courtesy of Fiona Magnussen © 2003
Known as Gow Hut or Lankey Plain Hut.
Located 200m east of the junction of the King Spur Track with the Dargo Road on Omeo Plain. On the Bairnsdale map at GR 148925.
This hut was probably built by the Treasure family in about 1951, after they took over the lease from the Gow family, who held it from 1888.
Don Gow is said to have led the first party to climb Mt Feathertop in winter during 1888, two years after they acquired their first grazing lease. The hut does not appear in any of the Gow family photographic collections.
Unlined over a sawn hardwood frame, with cement sheet cladding. It has a low gabled iron roof. The hut is complete with a "lux" slow burning stove and butted hardwood floor.
Caretakers - none known.
Hueneke Pp 108, 239
Magnussen Pp 176 - 177